Vitax Copper Slug Tape 4 Metres
Part No. 5CS1
Stops slugs and snails in their tracks
Protects approx 12 five inch pots
Serrated for added protection against snails
Adhesive copper barrier tape protects pots, tubs & greenhouse staging
When the slug or snail attempts to cross the strip, a tiny electrical charge is created naturally from within the copper face causing them to turn away.
Directions for use:
- Remove the protective paper and apply directly to a dry clean surface
- Stick the tape in a complete circle around the pot or bed you want to protect with the serrated edge facing downwards
- Trim any branch which may over-hang the protected zone or that may act as a bridge for the pests to enter
- As with any copper material, this tape will turn greenish with age but will not affect performance of the product
Please read instructions carefully before use.